
I'm Tracy ko and I'm 17 years old this year. I love dancing,reading novels and writing diaries. Sunflowers and lavenders are my favourite flowers as they gave me a sense of peaceful feeling. Roses are lovable as well! I need to consume something sweet whenever I'm feeling down because sweet things generally makes me feel better. I have a great affinity for dogs and I'm hoping to get one soon. I love the colour, pink very much and also, colours which are claming to the eyes. I think that my mum has gotta be the best mum in the world and I'm so thankful to god for having such a great mum! I love my family too! I'm also a mummy's girl! I have awesome friends like my clique, 'Sauces' for instance! If I have an opportunity, I would like to travel all around the world. Lastly, I would like to live my life to the fullest.


My goals. /

Health! / Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 4:08 PM
Today, I am going to talk about health!

I've done a research related with the topic on Obesity for my Food and Nutrition Coursework. Thus, I would like to highlight the main 3 reasons and the risk of being obese if you do not maintained a healthy diet.

The reasons why the rate of being obese increases are:

1: We're leading a sedentary lifestyle.

For instance, there will be people who would prefer to take the lift in some locations rather than walking down the stairs to the place which they would like to go.
As a result, we hardly get any exercise. Walking is also a form of exercise.

It is understandable if we see elderly taking the lifts as they are physically weak with their age but it is not understandable if we see teenagers taking the lifts as well! Teenagers are physically active and hyper, they tend to have more energy, so, they should choose to take the stairs over lift.

However, I do understand that sometimes all of us might have a long day (be it) in work or school and we are all worn-out, it is therefore alright to take the lift over stairs.

We need to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle!

2: Fast food
Who on earth hates fast food? I bet none!
Fast food are DELICIOUS!
However, fast food are generally high in calories and the portions that are served are also LARGE! Consuming too much calories eventually lead to weight gain. Overtime, if we keep on consuming these food, we would get to meet some new friend categorised under diseases.

Some of our new friends are: Heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure(hypertension), gallbladder and gallstones and lastly, the worst of all perhaps even DEATH!

Furthermore, research has stated that people who consume fast food tend to have more calories than people who do not. For people who just can't stop consuming fast food, try to have them once every 2 weeks! For people who do not consume fast food that often, keep it up!
3: The rate of eating food

I bet you might be wondering what has the reason for being obese gotta to do with the rate of eating our food?
Well, it sure has!

People who tend to consume a meal faster than people who consume slower tend to be hungry after some time! If you're hungry, you would consume even more food! Thus, do not gobble up your food just because you're late for work/school! In order to prevent such thing, wake up earlier and enjoy your meal.

One more thing!
If you're already full, stop consuming more food!
If we continued leadiText Colorng a sedentary lifestyles and consuming fast food regularly,
there's no way we are going to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, we be leading our lives with many diseases.
No one wants that right?
So, please, everyone! Do take care of your own health by having a balanced diet!

Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more fruit juices or water (Carbonate soda should be consumed occasionally) and limit the usage of using salt,fats and sugar(instead, go for herbs and spices used in cooking)!

Lastly, do choose products which have the Healthier Choice Symbol! :)
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